Olivia plays with Jadid Ensemble

Fla­menco and Arabic Fusion from Glenn Sharp’s band, Jadid Ensemble -“a fusion of comtem­por­ary Arabic and Turk­ish sounds under­pinned with Fla­menco guitar and film score style production…close your eyes and see”.

Part of the Spe­cial FX ses­sions in the Great Hall in The Royal Exchange.
“.….Happy Hour lasts from 5.30pm — 6.45pm with lager, bitter, red, white and rose wines all £2.00. Enter­tain­ment begins at 6pm.…”

On Feb­ru­ary 11, 2011 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm 

At The Royal Exchange Theatre, St Ann’s Square, Manchester, M2 7DH